Cars and Coffee Las Vegas
Every Saturday at the Shelby Auto Parts Store/Museum, just North of Town Square, Vegas’s crème-de-la-crème auto aficionados gather to exhibit a dizzying array of mobile masterpieces; voyeurs are welcome.
*Bugatti, Ferrari, and Lamborghini are just some of the fine rides you’re bound to see at this early-morning social club. A special kind of catharsis can be had in in the presence of other passionate but sometimes misunderstood car lovers. It is as much fun for visitors as the owners themselves. Perfect for the rise and shine type, this gathering is only from 7-10AM.
*For free coffee, it’s best to get there right when the event starts at 7am. If they are out when you get there, check out WFM Coffee or The Coffee Bean at Town Square just down the street.
*If you showed up to town in serious style, feel free to ask for a spot to show it off. The event organizers are usually accommodating. Just make sure your ride is a high-magnitude, top-tier car.
*Since you'll be there, you can book a private Shelby tour!
Ride share or renting a car is recommended.